Saturday, March 7, 2009

No neon signs, or Bright lights

I guess I've come to terms with the concept that it's not coming all at once. If I haven't already, I will pretty soon.
I really like being in control and knowing what is next. I like having and making a plan. It brings me comfort to have things laid out and it's exciting to think about the future. Unfortunately I seem to have come to the end of the line. I graduate in May and I really have no idea what I'm gonna do next. My life approaches the threshold, and I don't know what's next!

People sure like to ask, "What are you going to do after school?" to any student. It frustrated me that I have never really known, but I could always say I had time to figure it out; times now run out. I learned to throw out some general fields or areas that did interest me; I still have no idea where I'll end up. Later I was able to use graduate school as a good answer; that's not going to happen. With this economy it means there are too many people competing for too few spots. I'm good, but there's plenty more who are better.

I've run through a few other ideas and possibilities (Peace Corps,
AmeriCorps -like stuff) and tried to keep contigency plans, but nothing has panned out or really seemed right. I haven't given up, but I was really hoping I'd have a clearer idea of where I was going and what I needed to be doing by now. I've certainly made it a serious matter of refelction, prayer, fasting, study, etc.

«And where has that gotten you?»

So like I said before I kind of have to accept that I'm not going to get my answer all at once. I've been learning (or re-learning) that sometimes the Lord's guidance won't come in a big lump. Actually more often than not we get it bit by bit, from time to time here, a little and there a little. We act on what we know, do as we know best, move in the direction we've been shown until we learn more and are instructed different. (So many scriptures, quotes, and talks from General Authorities flood my mind as I think about this.) Sometimes when we get more revelation we learn the why of what we were doing, other times we are told need to make a flight correction, but always, if we had been faithful, we find we were being prepared for whatever came next. The hard part is moving forward with incomplete information, uncertainty, and ambiguity. (3 things I'm not really a fan of. Mais, c'est la vie.)

«So where does that leave you for now?»

I've had the impression that getting a job and going to work is where I'll be heading. I need a part time job now, too, but I mean full-time work after graduation. Even then I don't know where I'll end up or what I'll be doing. I'll be figuring it out over time. I'm also making more of an effort to seek for and follow the little promptings I get. It'll all add up, I'm sure.

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