Wednesday, April 29, 2009


«Wait, what about Swine Flu!?»

I was going to write a more detailed post about the paranoia around swine flu. Then I found this, and it explained it so well.

«Hahaha! So true!»

I am more likely to die in my car on my way to class than of swine flu, ever. I'm even more likely to die of the regular influenza! This media hype is redonculous. Regular influenza really only preys on the elderly, the very young, or the already sick. (The only confirmed death of swine flu in the U.S. is of a 23 month old Mexican immigrant in Texas.) I'd be willing to bet most of the confirmed deaths in Mexico fall into to one of those categories, and on top of that they probably had horrible health care or no access to any health care. Plus, while there may be no vaccine for swine flu (flu vaccines are kind of a joke anyway) regular drug treatments(see end of article) for influenza seem to work fine.

«So we're all worked up over nothing?»

I'm not worked up, and neither should anyone else be. Be smart, be safe, but don't be paranoid. Lets focus on real problems that need our time and attention. I'm gonna go eat me some pork. YUM!

Monday, April 27, 2009


I'd had a post I wanted to do last week I think, but I never could get myself to put it together. I'd like to say it's only because I'm tired and really busy. I am: schools wrapping up, I'm trying to finish my last two papers and a project, plus exams and finals.
Then I graduate!


I have had time for other things, though. I'm really good a distracting myself. I could have done a post or two during these last two weeks. I fear I have been making blogging too much of a chore. If I do that I'll never be consistent at this. On top of that with the writing I'm making myself do, early, for school I don't think writing voluntarily as a past time is what my brain wants as a distraction.

«Yeah, no.»

So I'm gonna cut back until school is done done. (That's not a typo.) And I'll try and make my posts less of an assignment for me and more of just blabbing about stuff or reporting on random thoughts or whatever.

«We'll have to wait and see.»

Just so I can keep myself writing and posting.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

President's Trophy

The San José Sharks are basically the only sports team I truly care about. I usually prefer to play sports that than watch and follow a game. And if I watch it better be a good game; if it's poorly played I don't care to watch. I particularly don't care to follow a whole season or league. I'll pay attention around playoffs, especially if a local team — or some other team I happen to be partial to — is involved. But I'm not that way with the Sharks. They've have always shown promise, but that has never resulted in anything substantial. They regularly make the playoffs, even the semi-finals...but no real success.

«Until now!»

This season, by far, has been there best ever. Yet at times this season they have soon tendencies to return to their old ways. Just today the pulled off a franchise first: They clinched the President's Trophy. This means they have the best record for the regular season out of the whole league. Granted they clinched it because they only team that could overtake them, the Boston Bruins, lost their game today. Still it is great accomplishment for the Sharks. At the same time, who cares about the President's Trophy?!

«It's like winning Miss Congeniality at a beauty pageant.»

For as long as they've awarded the President's Trophy, less than one-third of those recipients have gone of to with the Stanley Cup. That's the trophy that matters. That's the one the Sharks need to win (and which they have yet to win). And that is the Sharks cannot choke during playoffs. They have proven they can play with the best (and the worst at times), they are currently among the best in the league. But they really need to follow through. The Detroit Red Wings are their main obstacle. They've basically broken even with them this season, but in the past they've often had trouble, especially in playoff season. If they can break their mental block and beat them, I think they'll go all the way.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


This took longer to get up than it should have.

«You getting lazy?»

I'll always be a little lazy. Hopefully it was just the frustrations of life...
Anyway, this last weekend was General Conference, and I love General Conference! I'm not sure if I can articulate all the exact reasons. Is just the change in my weekend pattern once every six months? Or having a bit of a break from my Sunday responsibilities?

«Or not having to wear a white shirt and tie and getting to wear some color?»

No, it's more than that.
Starting in high school I began trying to attend all the sessions of Conference. Was it because I got make up credit for seminary? Maybe a little (probably a lot) at first, but carried over to after high school. Even in my first year college I made a good effort to go to them all. I couldn't always make all the sessions, like in high school, due to Saturday commitments, but I tried.

«So not just the extra credit incentive either.»

Nope, that doesn't explain it.
Then on my mission in England, General Conference was like Christmas. It could have just been that it was a like a
little holiday for us, but that still doesn't quite capture it I think. What I'm trying to get at is that is something more to be gained from Conference beyond just the break of routine. At Conference we get to here from the leaders of the Church. They speak to us about what is important and pertinent to us right now, today. We get specific guidance from men and women who are called of God to direct, warn, counsel, and teach us. Most everyone who chooses to watch Conference understands this idea, I think. It's pretty easy, once you have a testimony in and of the living prophets and apostles, to listen to what they say and know that this instruction is for us today, from God through His chosen vessels.

«That's it then...»

Well, it is all good and true, but at the same time I see another level yet.
During Conference is one of the few times where I desire to and purposely take notes. Now, it's not just because I want to remember what the speakers say, because the talks are available in many formats immediately following Conference. The Spirit can be extremely strong during conference and I've been taught and I believe that conferences are times of revelation, personal revelation. I always have a favorite talk or speaker, or feel like I'm being spoken to personally. On top of that I know that I can and do get impressions, thoughts, and inspirations during Conference that are just for me. I can get answers and direction from God at anytime. I know that. But Conference provides a special time where that direction comes easier. I can prepare myself for it and be more ready to receive. This is what I think excites me: knowing that Conference is one of those times where, if I'm ready, I can get the directions, rejuvenation, and answers I want and need. It will always be one of my favorite times.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Haha! Ahahahaha!!

That last post worked way better than expected. I posted a link on my Facebook, too, so I got more hits than normal. It actually convinced or nearly convinced a lot more people than I thought it would. I think I might have eve made a few people mad.

«You cruel, cruel man.»

Oh, they'll all get over it. If anyone lets a friendship be ruined over one practical joke, then, oh well. Almost every major news organization and many respected companies still do April Fools jokes. It's expected. It's a sign of a mature person to accept one's been fooled and laugh. Besides, I think part of being like a child is having simple fun.

«So you're practicing you childish attributes?»

(No, childlike...)
Anyway, that post yesterday was a bit spontaneous actually. I hadn't written in well over a week, as I'd been traveling. (That info is on my other blog I don't get Lost, I have Adventures.) I wanted to post something short, maybe mention my trip and other blog, but the idea of that practical joke came to mind. I went with it. It was a bit rushed and not really in character. That was kinda of the idea though, I didn't want to be too convincing. Obviously that was good thing. Imagine the trouble I could have cause had I been really convincing.

«You'd have no friends left.»

Yeah, don't want to waste all my trustworthy points in one go.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Great News!!!

So after much prayer and consideration I now know exactly what I need to be doing. I'm joining the army! Yes I know it either seems like selling my soul to the devil or just going along with the crowd (depending on what side of the aisle you're on), but it's what is right for me. In particular after talking to a recruiter, Rio Palof, it looks like I'll be aiming for Delta Force training. It'll be several years before I get there, but the military is looking to increase its special forces, especially in Afghanistan, so they're attempting to recruit and train soldiers earlier on in the process. This is an extremely big commitment on my part. I'll be giving a lot of time and it will be very difficult. Fortunately at least because I'll already have my Bachelor's it'll be much quicker to become an officer, at least according to an ROTC girl at school, April Fulton. So I'm quite excited about my prospects and knowing what I should be doing. This is probably a surprise for many of you, but what would life be without surprises. ;-D

«In case it still doesn't seem real or you don't get
it... »