Friday, August 14, 2009

Summer Squandered?

[NOTE: Wrote a good part of this a while ago, but never posted it. Not really my current state of mind, but it does capture a lot of how I used to feel.]

Since graduation, life has been more than sufficiently empty and hollow. Having optimistic long-term goals did not help with the short-term "what's next?" I've taken opportunities to fill my time with wholesome activities, particularly last week (Camp Helaman, YSA Conference, family camping), but a great deal of my time has been vacuous. Granted I may have passed on few opportunities, but I
don't honestly think that many. My main hang-up has been not creating more chances for good times, or being more proactive in getting myself to a better place. This may be end-of-summer regret, but I worry I could have done more to get myself where I needed to be. Or at least taken more advantage of the available time in other ways, instead of wallowing in a self imposed limbo. Regardless, life goes on and summer time ends. There were bright spots (beaches, hikes, friends), but not enough of them in my opinion.

«So much for summer being the bestest season.»

After two crappy summers in a row, I may have to pick a new favorite season.

«Winter? Or spring?»