Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I have completed all papers, projects, presentations, and pedantic pursuits.

«That's an alliteration for you.»
(I had to stretch on that last one. Yay for thesauruses!)

Well, all save one. My last final is tomorrow, but that's it! It's the one I'm most worried about. I also have the most time to prepare, so I'm not too concerned

«Or that's just the full-blown senioritis talking:
"It's over! Who cares? Get me outta here!!"»

It got kinda crazy at the end, with papers and group projects, but it all worked out. I'll have to wait for final grades to be sure, but I feel it all ended well. Maybe even better than expected. It was also a bit odd (though very welcome) that I had about 5 days between my last class and my first final. Don't you worry; I took full advantage of that time — Heather (my girlfriend) came into town and we filled my extended weekend by gallivanting around, staying up late, hiking, relishing in nice weather and the beach, seeing the sites, and truly enjoying ourselves. It was time definitely well spent.

«Definitely not over-concerned about finals and such here»

So I'm nearly, nearly, nearly done. I don't feel as excited as maybe should be expected, but I don't care. It's a great accomplishment (when I'm done done), but still only another step of many that I'll take. I'll report back when it official. =D

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Reflections while writing research papers

Book titles
short (e.g. The Giving Tree, Frankenstein, The Time Machine)

Research article titles
long (e.g. A relational perspective on turnover: Examining structural, attitudinal, and behavioral predictors ... nuff said)

Book lengths
100pgs: short
300pgs: decent
600pgs: long
1000+pgs: Robert Jordan or War and Peace status.

Research article lengths
3pgs: pamphlet
8pgs: decent
15pgs: long
25+pgs: dude, write a book why don't ya

Update –

Book authors' names
mostly normal (e.g. Douglas Adams, Jane Austin, C.S. Lewis)

Research article authors' names
long and weird (e.g. Chockalingam Viswesvaran, Randall P. Settoon, Darlene F. Russ-Eft)

Maybe I'll add more later. I really should finish writing my papers...

«Woo-hoo! Nearly done!»

Sunday, May 3, 2009


So trusting my all to Thy tender care,

And knowing Thou lovest me,
I'll do Thy will with a heart sincere:
I'll be what You want me to be!

I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go
, Mary Brown
LDS Hymn book, #270