Friday, October 8, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Motto, Mantra, or whatever...

I saw this written on a wall at work. (Well not literally "on the wall," but you know what I mean.) I really like what it encompassed and I strikes at issues that I am trying to work on. Along with trying to repeat or write this to myself regularly, I thought I'd share it generally:

I will show respect for myself by valuing who I am and what I can contribute. I will not cut myself down or diminish my power to change my life or the lives of others. I will treat others with respect and compassion. I will think about my individual worth and the worth of those around me.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Long time coming...

Following an unexpected phone call, a simple interview, two days of observation of about two hours each, couple phone calls, waiting, acceptance, more waiting, another phone call, a test, more waiting, lots of paper work, a drug test and a physical: I start training for a new job on Monday!

«Are all hiring processes so convoluted?»

Probably. I was blessed to easily get a good paying temp job right after my move. It didn't last as long as expected, but it was good enough. Soon after it ended I got a phone call for another exciting job. After months of sending in applications and resumés, to get such a quick and timely response was trilling.

«The time and place just needed to be right, I guess.»

Seems so. It's different work, challenging, but rewarding and with great growth potential. I'll be a team coach at a kind of boarding school for troubled kids. I'll be supervising and mentoring, as well as confronting and disciplining when needed. Along with many other things.

«Not easy work and lots to learn.»

And I hope to get learning quickly. I'll have somewhat flexible hours, which will allow me to figure out other things in my life and what paths I'll be taking in the near future. Really, I just can't wait to get to work and get more into the swing of things. Great things are in store.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What's in a name?

I just came across this quote (Thanks Heather!), which helps explain quite well why I chose the name of my blog, Ripple Project. It's on the longer side, but in a good way.

"There is one responsibility which no man can evade; that responsibility is his personal influence. Man's unconscious influence is the silent, subtle radiation of his personality - the effect of his words and actions on others. This radiation is tremendous. Every moment of life man is changing, to a degree, the life of the whole world.

Every man has an atmosphere which is affecting every other man. He cannot escape for one moment from this radiation of his character, this constantly weakening or strengthening of others. He cannot evade the responsibility by saying it is an unconscious influence. He can select the qualities he would permit to be radiated. He can cultivate sweetness, calmness, trust, generosity, truth, justice, loyalty, nobility, and make them vitally active in his character. By these qualities he will constantly affect the world. This radiation to which I refer comes from what a person really is, not from what he pretends to be. Every man by his mere living is radiating either sympathy, sorrow, morbidness, cynicism, or happiness and hope, or one of a hundred other qualities. Life is a state of radiation and absorption. To exist is to radiate; to exist is to be the recipient of radiation."

President David O. McKay
7 April 1948

I truly believe that everything we are and everything we do ripples through the world around us. We can do nothing that won't affect, for good or ill, someone else in our human family. The very fact of us becoming better improves the world around us. Doing or being less the we could— even locked away, alone— is a detriment to everyone else. There is much more I could say, but I'll expound more another time. Just remember to be and do your best; everyone has an impact.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Stepping along

Step into the dark. Blessed for making a choice; use of agency. Things flowing smoothly, well. Still settling; may be a while. Frustrating. Very tired a lot. Altitude? Stress? IDK. Really shouldn't complain. Nothing really comes all at once. Found temp work quickly. Yay! Pays well. Hopefully leads to more work, made good impression. Still looking at other options, too. House is nice. Roomies lax, fun. No worries. Lot to think about, juggle. Being on my own. Very glad to be taking care of it. Much to look forward to. Many friends to see. Not much time now. Lots to do. Kind of impatient. Probably will all go quickly. Reflecting. Looking forward. Ride the waves. Keep stepping into the dark.

«This stream of consciousness is brought to you by the letter C and the number 42

Friday, September 4, 2009

Full Moon Rising

The flaming vermilion sun was in my rear view mirror. In the far distance the mountains I knew lay before me were not visible due to bluish mists and clouds. Just above where the mountains should have been I could see the faint outline of the moon. As it slowly rose, it caught and reflected more light. It was a full moon. With the Bonneville Salt Flats to either side and the mountains obscured, this full moon was the most prominent character in my field of vision. If paganism were my religion, the moon would probably my god of choice. It has always appealed to me; especially a full moon. Something about how when full, it looks complete. It doesn't produce it's own light, but still has a glory all its own and can almost completely brighten the night time. And it brings comfort to me, because regardless of where you are in this world the moon is the same. People separated by thousands of miles can see the same moon.

As I drove east on I-80 the full moon continued to rise on it white and
cerulean background. The sun set in the sanguine sky, its light painting the atmosphere even after it had gone. I felt juxtaposed: between colors, between celestial bodies, between my life I was leaving and my life to come. With time the colors faded and the darkness of night overcame, but the full moon boldly shone in the heavens. I was taking steps into the dark, hoping, praying where I was going was where was needed, belonged. Action and change were all I knew for sure. With the full moon lighting my way, seemingly marking my path and destination, I felt oddly comforted. My way was guarded. I was secure. The end was known and this...

just another stop on my journey home.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Amazing Read!

My sister, who just began the fourth grade and won't be ten until December, wrote the following poem for her class. The only prompt she was given was to write about what she thought was deep inside her. I may have some biases since this is my little sister writing, but I'm really not one to lavish praises on anyone. Honestly, I found this amazing writing. Anyway, read and see for yourself.


Deep Inside Me

Deep inside me is a door. Behind the door is a room. In the room is my mind, my thoughts, my imagination. The ceiling is high; the room is round and mammoth. Both seem to have no end.

The rainbow walls are covered in colors: cherry, lavender, and emerald.

There are animals, people and things. There are immense mountains of objects, some pictures you cannot touch, and some real things I know. The pictures are memories, some of enchanted times and gloomy times, timid times and boring times.

Images of grandma’s house with the smell of delicious cookies, or of fourth birthday parties with thrilled friends. The piles go on forever.

But in the center is a ball of light, like the sun. It shoots out pictures, smells and objects, never ending, never stopping.

In the ball are two faces. One that looks like you and one that looks familiar.

The familiar face is inside you, speaking to you. It echoes in the room.

It makes me feel light and cheerful. An excellent feeling you want to last forever.

The place is my mind,

my thoughts,

my imagination.

26 August 2009
Sara Garrett